The Magic Mile is a one mile prediction calculator designed by Jeff Galloway to predict your race time.
The Magic Mile will determine:
If your race goal is realistic
How much improvement can be expected
In other words, the Magic Mile removes the guesswork out of goal setting.
The formulas for a full and half marathon are as follows:
Full marathon - One mile time X 1.3
Half marathon - One mile time X 1.2
So, for example, if you run an 8 minute magic mile, your marathon pace per mile would be 10:24 (8 X 1.3).
To run, the mile, first do a good warmup. Then, run 1 mile so that, when you finish, you are breathing hard (not gasping) and you do not think you can go another half mile (about 80% - 90% of your maximum sprint speed).
Sound complicated? Visit Jeff Galloway's website for a quick and easy calculator.